Friday, October 31, 2014

Email Inquiry.

i was contacted via email with inquiry about helping someone.

i do not know how to help, but i can publish content in the Internet if neccessary to help or support.

what to write to not hurt but truly help?

i'll just relate.

Link to one of the posts.

also, email exchange relation:

topic: 'I want to help Anna'
me: but not at this moment, for i have no surplus at this moment of life.
me: not at all.
Madisson: Andrzej,
Madisson: it’s so sweet of you to write. Just a thought. Perhaps you know someone who has a child and has some clothes they no longer need.
me: perhaps i can publish something in the Internet.
Madisson: You’re welcome to hep get the blog out there.
Madisson: That would be a great help!
me: certainly can prepare a blog or more (i am very skilled java/gwt programmer), but how to do this to not hurt instead of helping?
me: what to write?
me: i will think.
me: feel free to contact me with suggestions if you know better.
me: for now it's that. feel free to mercilessly criticize if it helps.